Create the Perfect Home Remodeling Project to Increase Your Home’s Value, Part 4
Questions to Ask a Contractor Before You Start Creating a remodeling project that will increase your home’s value for sale or your enjoyment of your home is exciting and exhausting. In parts 1, 2, and 3 of this series, you’ve asked yourself the basic questions: 1) Why...
Create the Perfect Home Remodeling Project to Increase Your Home’s Value, Part 3
Steps to Take Before You Start Creating the perfect home remodeling project to increase your home’s value takes an enormous amount of planning, but all the dry, boring, head-scratching details must be in place before the excitement of developing the design and picking...
Do you have an outdated bathroom, aka the Throne Room, or the loo, or the lavatory? Bathrooms have all kinds of nicknames and evoke all kinds of thoughts and feelings. At its most basic, it is a place to bathe and relieve oneself. In the beginning, an indoor water...
Create the Perfect Home Remodeling Project to Increase Your Home’s Value, Part 2
Creating Your Brand: Putting Your Spin on Timeless Upgrades Creating the perfect home remodeling project to increase your home value doesn’t happen without considerable effort. Like anything worth having, it’s worth the hard work. And with a little bit of creativity,...