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After looking at the endless walls day after day, even the trendiest styles begin to feel outdated. If you are looking to redesign your home, it is time you choose timeless pieces and not get lost in the so-called trends.

What makes a design timeless? Timeless designs repeatedly appear in the past throughout history. Therefore, any feature or style that keeps popping up every decade is probably a timeless design element.

A timeless feature becomes trendy when more and more people incorporate it into their homes. While it may lose its popularity now and then, you can be assured that it will reappear soon. On the other hand, a fad appears occasionally but fades away as fast as it appeared. Therefore, it never stands the test of time becoming outdated quickly.

Why Timeless?

Timeless design pieces are an excellent choice for homeowners since they give you the freedom to decorate as you wish. Instead of changing the entire appearance, it lets you make subtle modifications for a completely new look. For example, in a white room (kitchen or living room), colorful accent pieces in chic colors help bring about a change. In the same way, you can also play with your furniture to express your personality.

Timeless design

Timeless Design

Designs That Will Last

Timeless designs transcend time and withstand the different trends without an outdated look. While you can repaint your home every few years, renovation isn’t that easy or possible. Most homes with trendy designs lose their value quite soon as they cannot keep up with the changing times.

Stick with a timeless design for your home and choose the one that works the best for you. And if it’s more on the traditional side, so be it.

Elegant Designs Are More Timeless Than Trending

Timeless white desk and shelving

Timeless designs remain unaffected by time. It looks as good as it was when it was first created. Home decor is a good investment that can add value to your home, especially if you want to sell in the near future.

Go with high-quality flooring, cabinets, countertops, tiles, etc. that will stand the test of time. Then, add trendy elements such as plants, light fixtures, and other furnishings for a touch of modernity. These are easily replaceable, and you can update your home without spending much.

Skip Trends and Fads for a More Timeless Design

Trends and fads that are high fashion this year may not work in the long term. These fads age quickly and will not add value to your home. Instead, choose timeless designs that will still look good in 15 years or so.

For example, Pantone Color of the Year may be in trend now, but it sure will be outdated by next year. The reason is that there is a new color(s) of the year, every single year. Instead, go for whites and neutrals as they can be a safer venue and there’s no room for mistakes.

However, if you’d like to venture out, you can try gray. Gray is the popular neutral of the moment and for the right reasons. It has been a popular decorating choice for decades. From pale fog to charcoal, homeowners have quite a few options.

For a soft yet bold touch, try yellow (for a cheerful look), green (for that touch of nature), red (for a dramatic touch), and blue (for that calm and serene feel). Note that all these colors work beautifully with shades of white to create that timeless look.

Timeless Design

Classy and Elegant Colors

Timeless designs rely on traditional colors rather than the Pantone Color of the Year. Whites and neutrals will always remain the basis of any home. You cannot add any colors without including white, black, or neutral colors to cut the monotony.

Neutral colors act as the bridge to bring two contrasting colors together. They help balance and bring forth any vibrant and bold color.

Bathroom Renovation

Timeless Bathroom Design

Timeless is Easy

A timeless look is easy to achieve, unlike trends where you’d have to play a delicate balance. Natural stone, wood, and other materials help achieve a timeless look.

Timeless designs also focus on functionality. While they may not be glamorous, they are designed with space, energy, efficiency, and durability in mind.

As a final word, be inspired, but not limited to trends. Much like high fashion, trends and fads come and go. However, to achieve a timeless look in your home, you need to look beyond the trends.

For each homeowner, timeless will be the things they love and have always loved. For example, your favorite, color, type of house, etc.

3000 Cahill Main, Suite 215
Madison, WI 53711