Use natural light, plenty of work space and distinction between kitchen and dining to balance style and function.
What is more important when you make changes in your home, form or function? You can balance style and function with the help of a skilled interior designer. You don’t need to settle for one over the other in your Madison WI home.
Each home redesign challenge is unique. It has to blend style and practicality. That’s true whether you are opening up a kitchen, expanding the main living area or creating a spa-like master bath.
The process begins somewhere inside you with an idea or a dream. You start thinking… “What if?” The most difficult first step is to decide why you want to remodel in the first place. Are you inspired by new, dramatic styles and elegant finishing touches? Or are you motivated by a need to update and revitalize existing space. Once you know exactly why you want to change, you can form a plan to make the most of all your resources.
Remodeling a kitchen is the No. 1 project for most homeowners, so use your kitchen as an example. Why change it? Do you want to change because you don’t like the colors or outdated features? Or do you need new cabinets, a more efficient sink and more space?
Even if your goal is strictly to improve function and efficiency you do not have to sacrifice style. To build a balance, identify the top priority for the room and work from there. When you have a focus you have opportunity to combine features that create a solution that’s elegant, stylish and hard-working.
Balance Style And Function – For Whom?
In the early planning stage think long and hard on who will be using the new space, when and for what? Think about the kitchen, master bathroom or expanded family room. Different members of the family will have different uses for the space. The kitchen is the jumping off point and rallying spot for most everyday activities. Do you need more space for the whole family to gather? Or is the family getting smaller so you want more intimate space to relax? You can have all the latest technology is a fast-paced room or a hideaway.
As your plan comes together, stop and ask yourself: “What will I need and want in 5 years or 10 years?” Making a significant investment in your home today has impact well into the future. Are there design and decorating trends your parents or grandparents loved that make you cringe today? Make sure today’s choices don’t have the same effect on you in 8-10 years.
What basics go into redesigning a space, no matter where in the house it is? Consider elements that fit into every lifestyle such as:
- Efficient storage space – it might be a built-in pantry in a new kitchen, a seat beneath a new bow window or a spacious linen closet in the new bathroom.
- Electric outlets – in our age of electronics you can never have too many outlets, especially the high-tech versions equipped with USB charging ports.
- Lighting – lighting comes in so many different shapes and forms choosing the right sources can be challenging. Efficient task lighting or under-the-counter lights in a new kitchen, mood lighting in the new walk-in shower and custom lighting effects indoors and outside are all options.
From these basics build upon your dream with customized flooring, wall and window treatments and dazzling color choices.
Tap The Experience Of Design Professionals
After you’ve perused all the magazines and watched all the TV shows and videos you know making design decisions is not easy, right? There are so many people telling you what’s hot and what’s not. How do you make decisions you won’t regret in a few years? The best way – and most cost-effective in the long run – is to take advantage of the experience, skill and training of professional interior designers. To balance style and function and managing all the details of a major remodel a team of designers is invaluable. Add years of experience on the contractor side and your get designs that work and projects that move smoothly.
After asking yourself a lot of questions and making list of what you “must have” and what “must go,” you’ll find you’ve barely scratched the surface. There are hundreds of details involved in bringing to life the space you need and want.
Blending form and function is a balancing act, but leaning on years of professional experience streamlines the process. Designers reduce stress while keeping the whole project on track.
No matter which area in the house you focus on, the choices appear to be endless. You have dozens of options to customize your home.
Suggestions For Achieving Interior Design Balance
Designers with decades of experience have seen fads come and go. And they have answered questions you haven’t even dream of, yet. They offer a few basic tried-and-true tips for a remodeling solution that balances daily function with lasting style. They can be applied to small or large spaces in modern or traditional designs. Consider:
- Function trumps style – in most cases a room that “works” for the family is the ideal goal. Can you afford to create space that looks great but doesn’t provide for your everyday needs? Not many people can devote space in their home that’s just for looks. Every square foot has to do its part.
- Think beyond walls – is the answer to your remodeling desire knocking down walls to create an open layout? Or is it putting up new walls to form more intimate, private spaces. Trends come and go, make your decisions based upon what your family needs.
- Let there be light – do you want recessed lighting in the ceiling, fixtures that illuminate large areas or private spaces with soft, unobtrusive lighting? Will your emphasis be on switched lights to decorative lamps – which require tables, etc. Maybe a series of switch activated electrical outlets to combine the convenience of flipping a switch when you enter a room with styling from a lamp.
- More power – electric outlets are critical in modern life. You don’t want to have extension cords running under all the furnishings, do you? Making sure there are plenty of easy-access outlets deserves your attention. Taking advantage of an open floor plan? Why not consider outlets strategically located in the floor in one or two spots?
Successfully Balance Style And Function
If the thought of taking on a major remodeling project keeps you awake at night, you are not alone. But you can rest easier knowing the professionals at DC Interiors & Renovations are just a phone call or email away. The DC Interiors & Renovations design team takes on challenges just like yours every day. It has been providing interior design solutions to Madison area homeowners for years.
For additional ideas and to see solutions we’ve provided, review our online portfolio.
When you’re ready to consider all the possibilities for your home, make an appointment to visit us in Fitchburg. You can join us in person or electronically. Contact us. We’re proud of our results and our newly expanded showroom of décor items. The DC Interiors & Renovations designers are available to help define your needs, applying the latest design technology to balance style and function in your Madison WI home.
Architectural Digest – Beauty and Function in Your Kitchen Remodel